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Blindspots Revealed – Shareable Nugget #20
It’s not enough to just turn the switch off and that’s what I didn’t really understand at the time. I didn’t understand that full part of it. And, the other thing is when you choose to uninstall what you don’t like.
When you ask yourself, do I need to become aware of all these hidden blind spots and hidden weaknesses and fears that I don’t even know that I have.
The problem is the more you ask that question, the more they become revealed and when they become revealed it feels like a bandaid ripping off.
And that is okay though. It’s good.
Un-Install Anger – Shareable Nugget #19
So here’s the big question then. How do we change that programming?
How do we change the paradigm that has been pre-installed before you can even remember?
Some of these bad habits, these anger habits… Okay, so here’s another quick story.
When I was a kid, I had some anger issues and I had some anger issues because I was around some people who were angry as adults and those habits kind of just got installed in me.
But you don’t expect anger. Anger happens quick. It happens in a moment. It’s a powerful emotion.
But when I got that program installed a child, I went to anger management because it was ruining some relationships when I was a kid. I would pop off at the wrong time, in the middle of a parking lot, about something stupid. So my mom made me go to anger management.
Before You Can Remember – Shareable Nugget #18
When I was a kid, all of the experiences that I had. Yeah, they were crazy.
They were totally crazy, but they were good crazy.
I mean, do we want everything to be perfect?
Yeah. I know. I want to create, when I have kids, I want to create a great experience and environment for them, but am I going to like lock them away in a little room and not let them risk anything? Is that what we’re supposed to do? Well, here’s an interesting statistic.
More than 85% of the daily actions that we take as an adult, the habitual actions that make up our paradigm, were installed prior to us being five years old.
The Finger – Shareable Nugget #17
When was the last time you got mad at someone or gave someone the finger?
I know I was in traffic one time and this semi driver cuts me off and I was so angry. I was young, I was so angry and I pulled up right next to him. I looked up, I was like fuming, turning red and I flipped him off and he totally saw me. He saw me right there, like face to face looking straight up at him. He looked down and then I got kind of scared. I looked away and looked forward and started trying to put on the gas, but the traffic stopped.
The traffic stopped and I was stuck there right next to him staring up at him after I had just flipped him off! Oh boy. Yeah.
Have you ever been in a situation like that? Well, that is anger. Anger happens. It’s a powerful emotion.
The Power of Your Words – Shareable Nugget #16
When was the last time you were totally mean to yourself?
When was the last time you spoke really, really bad to yourself?
Did you know that we have over 60,000 thoughts a day and most of the dialogue, most of the stuff we say to ourselves in our heads, most of what we say to ourselves is not even vocally, verbally expressed, so we don’t even have to talk words to talk to ourselves.
But, how are you talking to yourself? What are you saying to yourself on a daily basis?
You know there’s a word for that. It’s called repetition and there’s a word beyond that called auto-suggestion or self-hypnosis.
The longer and more you tell yourself something, the more you’re going to believe it, the more you’re going to bring it into your sphere, into your reality.
Your Subconscious Power – Shareable Nugget #15
There’s no way you would consciously remember to beat your heart as many times that it needs to beat in order to keep your body alive. There’s no way you can remember to tell your lymphatic system to extract the waste from all the foods you eat and then extract it all through your sweat glands and urine and all that good stuff. Number ones and number twos. There’s no way that we can remember that stuff.
Our subconscious mind is powerful and in fact, there’s electromagnetic energy fields that surround us. When you get around someone, your energy field and their energy field meet.
What Do You Want? – Shareable Nugget #14
You were designed for great things. I know you know that.
I know you’ve remembered that at times in your life. There’s probably been times when you’ve achieved some things. You’re like, oh my gosh, I didn’t know I could even do that. I didn’t even know I could learn that so quickly. I didn’t know I can actually make that happen. Are you kidding me?
My Cocoon – Shareable Nugget #13
And I chose to process. I chose to ask everybody if they could leave. I asked my brother if he can move in with my mom. My mom, if my brother could move in with her and her new husband, Steve
And also I asked my dad if he could move out as well because he was there. We were all hanging out. It was a great time, but just everybody could sense that I was overwhelmed.
Because I didn’t process anything.
We need to be more like bears. We need to hibernate – structured alone time.
We need to enter our cocoon and hey, I get it, sometimes you’re not gonna be able to enter a three-month cocoon like I did.
I get it, but we need to find our daily cocoon.
The Bears – Shareable Nugget #12
How many times have you hibernated over the years? I know for me, I never hibernated. We need to be more like bears.
We need to find some time to ourselves, some alone time that we can think that we can process, but here’s the thing. We can interpret our alone time as loneliness. That’s not what it is. That’s not what I’m saying. It’s not isolation. It’s not loneliness.
We need to choose to structure our alone time. That’s why I call it a cocoon.
Our cocoon is where we can enter when we need to organize what’s going on. We need to have a space that is just for us just for you, a sacred space. We need to learn how to be alone, we need to learn how to be okay with just being ourselves.
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