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The Process To Process – Shareable Nugget #11

The Process To Process – Shareable Nugget #11

Have you ever been digging for your gold for a really long time and maybe you’ve dug up a whole bunch of gold over the years, but It’s been really hard to translate that gold into your bank account?
Yeah, I know I feel the exact same way. I’ve been digging for gold the last 12 years, but what I didn’t realize, I was stuck into some patterns. I was stuck in some habits that were holding me back, that were keeping me from my full potential.
In fact, that’s one of the things that I realized.
I discovered some fears. What are you afraid of? I was, I thought it was afraid of my, my full potential and that is what it was. I realized I was afraid of fulfilling my full potential. Are you kidding me?
That shouldn’t be my fear. I should live in that. I should go towards that every single day, but I wasn’t.
I was stuck.

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Who Do You Want To Be? – Shareable Nugget #10

Who Do You Want To Be? – Shareable Nugget #10

Who do you want to be when you’re gone?
who do you want to be the moment you’re gone?
Who Do you want to look back and say, I was?
Who do you want to be, who do you want to become?
What are you doing right now? Right now, to become the person that you want to become?
To become the person that you want to become, what are you doing now? Right now?
Because now is your time. It’s always your time. How will you affect people when you’re gone?
How will the end of your life look when you ask yourself the question, what have you done? How will the end of your life look when you asked yourself that question, what have you done?
What have I done?

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Landslides – Shareable Nugget #9

Landslides – Shareable Nugget #9

You know, you were so close to finding your gold and I want to tell you something.
One thing right now that I want you to remember.
I want you to remember this. Please remember this right now.
Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle happens!
Because you’ve been digging for a really long time. It just needs a little bit of recalibration.
A little bit of recalibration. You might have to cut off some of those goals, delete some of those goals you thought you wanted.
But choose what you want! Choose, don’t let everyone else set all your goals for you. Who are you letting control your mine?

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You Can Move Mountains – Shareable Nugget #8

You Can Move Mountains – Shareable Nugget #8

You must take that mountain, in your path, on your map and move it to the side understanding it is only a grain of sand that you can easily step over once you realize that YOUR map is not THE map, you can change your map.
If you can change your map, what map do you want to be looking at every single day? What is your treasure that you’re heading to?
Have you even built your treasure map?
Do you know where you’re going? If not, it’s time to decide where you want to go. Who you want to be and take the daily action steps to get there.
It’s your time, now’s your time.

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Wealthy – Shareable Nugget #7

Wealthy – Shareable Nugget #7

How wealthy are you in your mindset? How wealthy are you in your physical health? How wealthy are you in your spiritual health? How wealthy are you in how much you serve, in how much you love other people?
How wealthy are you in these areas, because once you become wealthy in these areas, money can follow.
But you will never translate wealth into your bank account until you become wealthy in mind, heart, soul, and strength.

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Day 18 of 30 – Reorient Your Compass and Design Your Treasure M.A.P.

Day 18 of 30 – Reorient Your Compass and Design Your Treasure M.A.P.

Your Compass May Need Reorientation
How is your compass programmed? Because when we’re developing our treasure map, we build this entire strategy to go get our gold. And here’s the thing. There’s a little sheet underneath the needle of the compass. You know that little metal sheet?

There’s your compass needle, which points to true north. And then there’s the metal sheet underneath that compass needle. And here’s what happens when we’re children. That little metal sheet underneath the compass needle gets twisted. So our true north, the actual true north of the base reality is not true north in our map, on our compass anymore. Our true north is facing northeast or southwest or or just straight south. Now if our needle is facing north but the plate underneath our needle is flipped all the way upside down facing south, We think true north is actually south.

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Freedom Seeker – Shareable Nugget #6

Freedom Seeker – Shareable Nugget #6

Your pastis a textbook that can move you forward. Or your past is something that can hold you back.
Are you a prisoner of your past or are you a FREEDOM SEEKER?
I’m a freedom seeker. Are You?
it’s time to set goals, take daily action towards those goals and achieve those goals because you are worth it. You are Priceless!

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Day 17 of 30 – How To Time Travel… For Real.

Day 17 of 30 – How To Time Travel… For Real.

Time Distortion Modes:
This is how we can play around with time travel.
It’s how you slow down time and it’s how you speed up time. I’m not going to get into that into this blog post here, but stay tuned because there is more to come.
So, we need to build our future projection map. It is too dangerous to just travel through time, unwittingly. We have to choose where we want to go. We’ve got to choose our river, we got to choose our path.

Intentional Time Travel:
Be more intentional on everything. So if we don’t plan our future projection map, here’s what happens. We will still time travel even if you don’t want it too.

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Can’t Outsource The Dig – Shareable Nugget #5

Can’t Outsource The Dig – Shareable Nugget #5

Are you fearful of how much you could actually accomplish if you put your mind to it?
Do you realize that you have unlimited potential and anything you want to become, you can become.
If anybody has ever done anything in the world, you can’t do it too!
if things have never been done in the world, and you can imagine them, you can do them too!

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