Day 2 of 30 – Be Nicer To Yourself

by Jun 19, 2019Blog, Daily Sunrise Hike

Today is a great day! 

I committed to this challenge quick – bc yesterday I wanted to post my sunrise hike and when I posted it for some reason I called it a 30 day challenge… lol. I guess I wanted a challenge! 

I want to ask you a question… 

What questions are you asking yourself? And when you ask yourself questions, are they questions that are setting, you’re setting you up for success or are they questions that are basically tearing you down? And I don’t know if you could identify with that, but there’s been times in my life where I’ve been in modes of talking really bad to myself and it doesn’t get me anywhere. It literally snowballs me into bad places.

My Body’s already recognizing on the second time that I’m going to be doing this everyday for 30 days, maybe longer.

I Hope this inspires you to do something for yourself in the morning before the day starts. So you can feel like, man, you already accomplished something even when the daily chaos hits.

I love you so much! Until next time, develop awesome skills and go find your gold!


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Full Episode Transcript Here:

00:03Here’s the peak. There’s the city. That’s always cool to be on top of the mountain. I’m kind of like a cat. I like being high up. Let’s get the off. There’s the sunset or sunrise. 

00:20There we go. I like that shot better. Good morning everybody.

00:28It’s been such a great morning today. And I wanted to ask you a question. I was in my morning routine this morning when I woke up. I did hit my snooze button a couple times. My alarm rang at three, got up at three 30 planned in my day and cleaned up around the house. Listen to some, Tony Robbins left the house around four 40 to get up here to the mountain and hike. And actually I’m not the only one hiking it. Sun Sunrise. In fact, people were coming down the mountain and I was going up the mountain. So that’s pretty cool. It’s not just me. So there’s a lot of people who like to hike in the morning, especially because it gets really hot out. I think we might even hit 110 degrees today, Fahrenheit and Phoenix. So this summer is here. And this is the time that Moringa loves it. Moringa loves the summer’s right now is the time when it’s going to be popping up.

01:25So I’m going to sit down here really quick. Oh, I want to ask you a question because I was thinking about this during my morning routine and I want to ask you what questions do you ask yourself? Because sometimes the question is sometimes the way we talk to ourself, we would never talk to anyone else the way we talk to ourselves. And I don’t know if you could identify with that, but there’s been times in my life where I’ve been in modes of talking really bad to myself and it doesn’t get me anywhere. It literally snowballs me into bad places. Hey, their mouth. How are you doing?

02:05Awesome. So that’s what I want to ask you is what questions do you ask yourself? And when you ask yourself questions, are they questions that are setting, you’re setting you up for success or are they questions that are basically tearing you down? In a lot of ways? Uh, the way we ask the questions can ultimately sometimes determine how we feel and, and, and the actions that we take after that questions asked. So when we think I was just listening to Tony Robbins, he was saying, when we think basically what are we doing when we’re thinking we’re asking ourselves questions and then we’re answering those questions, excuse me.

02:52So if we’re asking ourselves questions and then we’re answering ourselves, are our questions as we think, what questions are we asking our, for instance, like me, I put on a few extra l.b.’s down here, I lost some weight this year and then I put a little bit of weight back on. And am I saying, why can’t I lose this weight? Or am I asking myself, how can I lose this weight? So there’s different ways, just really subtle ways of changing the question to where it will empower us instead of detract from our success. So I would just say what to ask yourself. I want you to ask yourself what questions are you asking yourself? And if you could reframe those questions. And if you talk bad to yourself right now, think about this. What if you apologized to yourself, literally apologize to yourself next time you talk bad to yourself.

03:50So what are you said, Dave, you’re an idiot. I’m like, Oh man, I’m sorry Dave. I didn’t mean to say that. What if you did that to yourself? So I just want to encourage you that you’re amazing, you’re awesome and I just want you to know that you’re supercharged machine. And when we pop the seal, get back out here, enjoy nature, allow mother earth to speak to us, the moths to fly around and everything. It just reconnects us. And Yeah, I’m sore from yesterday and in fact I woke up this morning and I also was thinking to myself, did, I had to look at my post yesterday for the mountain? And I said, I literally said to my post the 30 day challenge. And I also said I wasn’t going to drink coffee for 30 days. I was going to do fruit smoothies. So I get up and I look at that.

04:38I’m a quick decision maker because I looked at my thing and I’m like, oh boy. I just told everybody I’m doing this for 30 days at sunrise and I’m not gonna drink coffee. I’m glad I said that. And that was a quick decision. I make decisions quick. I was posting it and I’m like, boom, 30 day challenge, let’s see what happens. And I did it. And so thanks for uh, looking at that and holding me accountable to that. Everybody because I’m like, why not? It really helps me stick to something if I say I’m going to do it to everybody else. I don’t know if you have that feeling, but I said I was gonna do it. I said I was going to do it to you guys and obviously maybe I want to do this, but I was thinking to myself this morning, I really don’t want to go hike this morning.

05:19But then I changed that mindset route right away cause I was sore. I am sore. I’m really sore from hiking yesterday, but I pop the seal and the second time you do it the third time you do it the fourth time and do it. Now. My Body’s getting recognized. My Body’s already recognizing on the second time that I’m going to be doing this everyday for 30 days, maybe longer. But I don’t want to commit to that yet. So I did do my fruit smoothie this morning and I am not going to drink coffee. I didn’t do it. I haven’t drank coffee now for a couple of days and I’ve felt it yesterday. I felt it a lot. But I want my body to be able to produce that energy that the caffeine has been giving me. So, all right, everybody keep encouraging me and I want you to post in the comments below what you’re going through, what struggles you’re going through that maybe we could talk about when I’m up here on my hike. So give me some, some stuff that you, how you talk to yourself in some ways that you have learned to talk to yourself better. So. All right, well, I love you all and thanks for watching this quick video about me hiking at sunrise. Hope this inspires you to do something for yourself in the morning before the day starts. So you can feel like, man, you already accomplished something even when the daily chaos hits. So I love you so much. Until next time, develop us some skills and go find your gold.



1 Comment

  1. David A Stone

    How often do you catch yourself being mean to yourself? Do you ever apologize to yourself when you treat yourself bad?


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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

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