Day 3 of 30 – Choose Your Challenge

by Jun 19, 2019Blog, Daily Sunrise Hike

Day 3 of 30 day sunrise hiking challenge!

Today I want to ask you to choose your 30 day challenge and pick quality problems to place in your path instead of safe problems:)

I also discuss how to spot if someone is “salting your mine”

PLUS, Remember the Oxygen Mask Theory and Take care of yourself so you have something more to give.

You’re amazing, you got this!


Comment below what your 30 day challenge is and what is going on in your life so I can talk about it on my morning videos! 
#developawesomeskills #personaldevelopmeny #30daychallenge

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Full Episode Transcript With Timecode:

00:01Good morning everyone. My name’s Dave. And today is day three of my hiking challenge for Sunrise hikes. And I’ve been doing this for the last couple days. When I said was going do a 30 day challenge. I’m going to do this 30 day challenge but I’m also quitting coffee for 30 days. I don’t have a problem with coffee. In fact it’s an antioxidant. But I was it’s not like I was drinking a cup of coffee every morning. was drinking. Minimum of a pot of coffee every morning and then when it was over sometimes I would make another pot so I didn’t realize how much energy that coffee was giving me throughout the day. But I think it was masking the fact that I needed some physical exercise.

00:50So me stopping coffee revealed that oh boy my body’s got to learn how to produce its own energy now so I didn’t realize that by doing this 30 day challenge that you were gonna be asking me if you could do a 30 day challenge so for everybody that asked me if they can do a 30 day challenge I want to say yes and in fact I didn’t realize I was challenging all of you but I guess I am. But here’s the thing. You don’t have to be as crazy as me. You don’t have to get up here at the sunrise at the top of a mountain.

01:22And to give you an idea this mountain. This is North Mountain so you all know where I am.If you ever want to get up here at sunrise for the next 30 days you can say what’s up. I’m here at the tower. This is the peak of North Mountain in sunny slope.

01:36Which is just north of north Phoenix. It’s in north Phoenix.

01:43I don’t know really what you call this area but I think it’s north Phoenix sunny slope and this is North Mountain so it’s only about a half a mile hike up to the peak here where you can see the towers the towers are actually the peak but it’s about two thousand feet high so it’s a solid hike. I mean half a mile at school you know they have the tracks. It’s two of those running around that track twice is only a half mile. So it doesn’t seem like a lot but if you took that half a mile and you put it like this at a hike up it it’s kind of like if you were to sprint that half a mile to getup here. But also it’s not taken me an hour to get to the top of this mountain.That’s the other thing. It’s a solid intense hike but it’s only 15 or 20 minutes to get to the top. Right now it’s taken me 15 minutes to get to the top of this mountain.So I put it in a really intense up. And that’s why I’m not filming on the way up here because I’m out of breath but I’m filming when I get up here and take my breath and then so you guys can see the sunrise but that is. That’s so I want to talk a little bit about where we were.

02:56When I did the video yesterday I had a few comments. One of the comments was fromJames about drinking Marina tea instead of coffee in the morning. And I think that that’s a really good idea. I haven’t done that because I haven’t really been big tea drinker but I take Marina in my smoothies so I take Marina capsules in the morning. It does give me energy keeps me nice and clean in my digestive system during the day.

03:25And I think it’s been I think it helps but I started upping my dosage of Marina during this 30day challenge because I moved from coffee to fruit smoothies. I love fruit and it’s a nice treat to have a nice fruit smoothie I know I’m getting like a whole bunch of fruit in my body right in the morning to give me some energy but I do put Moringa in that fruit smoothie so. I feel really good after that. So right now I’m not really doing bring a tea but I’m doing Moringa in my fruit smoothies. I think it’s definitely a great idea. Maybe I should try some tea. So you have something hot in the morning too but it is starting to get warm. Yesterday it was one hundred and eleven degrees out during the day. Right now it’s perfect out.

04:14And then Yulia I want to say thanks for watching and it’s so good to hear from you and Yulia is going to do a 30 day challenge with her 30 day challenge is going to be to watch me do these videos for 30 days and feel inspired and find her thing. So thanks Yulia. You’re awesome. I hope you’re doing amazing. I know that Hawaii is epic. So be doing amazing. And then Emily you wanted to take the challengeEmily superstar. You want to take this hiking challenge if you want you can meet me up here at the top of a mountain or pick your own mountain. But here’s what want to tell you all today is I want you all to pick your own 30 day challenge so you can do a sunrise hike if you want in the morning and find a good place to go hike. You can do a sunrise workout whatever you want to do. But I want you to pick a 30 day challenge.

05:11That see this mountains busy in the morning. It’s awesome. I mean there’s like a son is not quite up yet is coming up but this mountain there was people coming down like said we people coming down the mountain I’m coming up the mountain so I’m not the first one up this morning but Emily’s superstar if you want to take this hike with me Go for it. I’m going to be up here at the top of North Mountain and you can see where I’m going to be. You say was set up or anybody who ever wants to come up to North Mountain and take a hike and meet me here go for it. would love to see you and say What’s up.

05:44And you can be in the video for that day. There’s only 30 days of these videos so you gotta hurry.

05:49Twenty seven days left. I might go longer but we’ll see. And then I also wanted to talk about another thing. So.

06:00So basically what is your 30 day challenge. I want you to pick one. It doesn’t have to be doesn’t have to be like this doesn’t it to peace as extreme as I’m making my 30day challenge like Sunrise top of the mountain no coffee only fruit juice in the morning. But what I’d like you to do is something that feels good to you. It’s something that you know you’ve been wanting to do. That you need to do and I’m also doing something else when I hike here. I’m bringing it to you and I want you to understand the process of that. I’m doing two things or more than two things at the same time so pick something that you want to do and then you can some times tie that in with something that you’re already doing so it doesn’t take any additional time. That’s why I’m doing these videos for you because I’m hiking up here getting some good exercise but I’m also able to give you a video at the top here of the mountain. So I’m doing two things at the same time. You don’t have to be doing videos like this but just think if you’re already doing something tie something that you want to do to the thing you’re already doing.

07:05Does that make sense if that makes sense. Put it in the comments if that doesn’t make sense.

07:08I will give you further explanation but I wanted to touch base of really quick also onBarbara. What’s up Barbara. You’re amazing you’re awesome and all of you are awesome. But Barbara I want to talk to you a little bit about just your comment yesterday. You started your business from home. It started growing fast as strong but now it’s slowing down. You’re a little discouraged you’re thinking yourself should you throw in the towel or should you fight. You want to fight but you don’t know how. How do you get more customers while working a full time job and apart time gardener.

07:42So I know your pain I feel your pain. I have my own company and I try to get new customers but I haven’t actually been trying to get new customers for a really really long time. So here’s what I would ask you if you if you’re asking yourself if you want to throw in the towel or not.

07:59Here’s the question are you doing it because this is what you want to do. Did you start this business.

08:06Because it’s something that you wanted or did you allow someone to salt your mind a little bit. And I don’t know if you guys know what this is assaulting the mind there’s movie out there.

08:17Forget what it’s called but there’s a diamond mine in Africa that this investor group is raising tons of money for in the U.S. and they take some samples from this mountain and before sending the samples to the lab they put a whole bunch of diamonds in the samples and they send the lab and lab looks at the samples are like oh my god just so many diamonds in this mountain but there’s no diamonds in the mountain diamonds are only in the sample that’s called salting the mine when the movie they end up raising hundreds of millions of dollars to mine this mountain that was empty of diamonds and they put on the whole operation they were salting the mine. So that’s what salt in the mine is when someone comes and basically con people will come in and tell you where to dig. Not even just communal just other people just anybody anybody comes in and says Hey dig here. That’s where your gold is no point to an area and they’ll tell you where to dig and then you’ll get us so excited because it’s shiny and it’s a lot of money or something like that when they get the sunset here real quick.

09:13Oh oh yeah. There it is. And they’ll tell you where to dig and you’ll start digging where they tell you to dig if you’ve ever felt that before.

09:26I don’t know if that’s what’s happening what’s happened with your business Barbara but want just for all of us to be aware we need to direct our own path. There’s two kinds of problems I’ve been learning about in human needs psychology so human need psychology is h in P it’s science out there that. Tony Robbins talks a lot about and so does Chloe Madonnas. If you guys want to check Chloe Madanes she’s a family strategic family therapist. She’s incredible. Totally mind blowing but in human needs psychology there are two kinds of problems there are safe problems and there are quality problems. And I don’t want you to think about problem as something bad.

10:06However it can be it can be something good and it can be something bad. Problems are what we place in our path or we allow to be placed in our path.

10:14Problems always gonna be there but if problems are always going to be there can we place better problems in our path. That’s the big question. I want to ask you right now.The same problems and the quality problems.

10:29Safe. So sometimes Barbara there might be something that you need to quit. So I know you had a question there whether or not you should bail on it but you don’t want to bail and if you don’t want to bail now you got to ask yourself why don’t you want to bail. Do you not want to bail because you don’t want to bail or do you not want to bail because someone else doesn’t want you to bail. Sometimes there’s a reason to quit on your goals because maybe it wasn’t the right goal when you set it. Just think about that. So here’s the save problems and the quality problems safe problems are all the that’s the rut save problems or the rut that you find yourself in the Depression the addictions the bad habits toxic relationships these things in one sense we kind of get addicted to as safe problems because we can control the situation we think we feel like we have more control over depression than we do of not succeeding.

11:31I don’t if that makes sense to you. But let me tell you the opposite of that. So the opposite of that is quality problems. So if you place a quality problem in your path that is something like a goal something big that you want to do something that’s good for you something that for instance if you want to start flying an airplane if you want to become a pilot you say OK. This year I’m going to become a pilot or this year I’m going to get in the best shape of my life. OK those are two quality problems you just place in your path in order to become a pilot. There’s a list of things that you got to do a whole bunch of things you have to do. So all of those things are steps to achieve that quality problem. And that quality problem is going to stop you from falling back in to a safe problem or a rut because you don’t have anything to do and you didn’t give yourself anything to do.

12:22You’re going to fall back into the same problem or the rut. The thing that you don’t want to be in but you keep falling back and you don’t know how to get out of it. And don’t want you to fall into ruts. I want you to fall into safe problems. Safe problems are the rhythm you give yourself a problem than you did sign a rhythm around how to handle it on a day to day basis. So I hope this encourages you today safe problems versus quality problems. Choose your quality problems and that quality problem is going to be in the form of a goal something that you really really want to do that you’ve been either putting off. Or. You haven’t been putting it off you just haven’t been giving it the energy that it needs or you’ve been allowing yourself to give all your energy to everybody else’s problems to all you helpers out there.

13:09I know I know how it is I’m that way. My mom’s that way I in my past I’ve been that way helping people to my deficit. There’s something called the oxygen mask theory.Nobody is really talking about the oxygen mask thing. They are talking about the oxygen mask. But the theory of the oxygen mask as you put it on yourself. When.Before you put it on someone else. So. I just want to encourage you everybody.And Barbara you got this. So I want to ask for Barbara I want you to just ask yourself is this your decision.

13:43Is this your passion. If it is your passion and if it is something that you chose I want you. To let me know in the comments and then we’re going to talk about it from there how to actually get customers. But so it’s a it’s a foundational thing I’m asking here prior to even saying how do you get more customers. First off is is it is it your thing or is it something that was implanted there by others where you think you just got to be strong and finish it out. So.

14:08Those are just questions they’re deep questions they’re diving deep. So hopefully you get some benefit and value out of this episode and now the sun is coming up. Look atthat.

14:18Doo doo doo doo doo Oh man look at that sign.

14:23It is beautiful. And then overall see on this side get some. Nice clouds.

14:32But yeah check out that sunrise. Good morning everyone. I hope you’ve got some value out of today’s. Episode. And.

14:42You’re amazing you’re awesome.

14:45Love you all. Comment below with what’s going on. I want to keep doing these and answering some questions giving you a little tidbit nugget. Daily Dose a day and let me know if you like these let me know what else you want what questions you have and also I’ll be really excited one day when I get up here and one of you were up here saying was. And also on the actual physical side of it real quick before I end it I started first day. Hundred and eighty nine pounds. I’m now at one hundred eighty three pounds and I’ve been eating a lot of fruit so I’ve lost quite bit of weight in like three days and I’m feeling real good I’m feeling light.

15:28Feeling good. So. Everybody I hope you’re having an incredible day I’m going to stare at the sun here for just a second. No I don’t really want to stare at the sun. Look at that.Oh my gosh.

15:40How beautiful is all this. All right everyone. Till next time develop awesome skills and go find your gold.


1 Comment

  1. David A Stone

    Has it ever felt GOOD to quit on a goal and WHY?
    if so, tell me your story here!


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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

'Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide'

If you are interested in getting your FREE, One-Page Life Mastery Guide to help you find YOUR GOLD and change the world!

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