Day 5 of 30 – Be Your Own GOOD Boss PLUS Why I Quit Drinking

by Jun 19, 2019Blog, Daily Sunrise Hike


Do You Want To Be Your Own Boss? 

If we want to be our own boss, we’ve got to be our own GOOD boss.

Have you ever thought about that? 

What does it mean to be a good boss? What does it mean to be a bad boss?

Well, a good boss does a few things. There are traits of a good boss, and when you start working for yourself, are you being a good or bad boss to yourself?

And what happens when you have a bad boss? First off, you don’t like working there, so you either want to quit or you’re probably gonna get fired. One of the two.

So if you’re a bad boss to yourself, are you going to quit? Are you gonna fire yourself? 

Learn to be a better boss to yourself. This episode will show you how!


Why and How I Quit Drinking Alcohol… 

I never did anything malicious, but I did ridiculously stupid things when I got drunk.

I got urged a lot of times to do stupid things, by people telling me, Oh, you can’t do that or you won’t do that. And then I would be like, um really, oh yeah, boom. And I go do it.

So alcohol brings out whatever it brings out in you. But now as I’m a little bit older and I, I get a little smarter, I’m understanding that alcohol is a straight up poison, no matter if it’s a social thing or not, it’s a straight up poison.

Even my mom asked me, she’s like, what about wine? And I even make wine, like I, I do like alcohol, but the, here’s the thing I’m finding and I’ll definitely still have a beer now and then.

So if you want to quit, maybe just call it a 30 day challenge for now. 

You know, don’t quit it for good. Quit it for now. Just give yourself a 30 day challenge.

I love you so much! Until next time, develop awesome skills and go find your gold!



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Full Episode Transcript with Timecode:

00:02What’s up? Facebook and Youtube. Good morning. It’s Dave Stone. I’m on the top of the mountain here at sunrise and it’s been a great, where’s that Sun flares at dancing yet? No. Okay. Oh, there it is. There she is right there.

00:18Good Dude.

00:22All right, let’s see if this dancing sun flare does too much damage here, but oh, that’s Kinda cool right there, Huh? I don’t want to fall off his mountain. Just check this out.I’m right here.

00:33Right on the top.

00:36But anyways, everybody. Good morning. It is a great day. It’s going to be an excellent day today and I hope you are excited for a really good day. I am on day five right now and day five is feeling really good for me. I gotta Admit Day One, two, three, four. Well Day one, two and three were pretty hardcore. I did the hiking and I did the the no coffee at the same time because I really wanted to, I knew just hiking every day was going to be hardcore for like a week and I knew just stopping coffee would be hardcore for a week, so I figured might as well combine them and make that week be super hardcore and then the next week would be easier on both of them. That’s my thought and so what I would encourage you to do if you haven’t done it already is fine. Your 30 day challenge and I want it to be something that you can do.

01:36Something that is is I don’t know, exciting for you, something that you want to do, something that you’ve always wanted to do and what I call it in my book is called your daily cocoon. I just want you to find a daily structured alone time to find out something that you can do for one hour per day. Because remember one hour per day spent on yourself equals six and a half, 40 hour work weeks that you spent on your dreams. Imagine going into your boss and saying, Hey boss, can I have six and a half, 40 hour work weeks just to work on my dreams, all spend the rest on the work? But I was just wanting to six and a half full time work weeks to spend on my dreams, your boss, and be like, no, I’m paying you to work here.Not on your dreams.

02:18So that’s what happens is your boss pays you to work. They’re not on your dreams. You have to pay yourself to work in your dreams. If we want to be our own boss, we got to be our own good boss. We ever think about that. Like what does it mean to be a good boss? What does it mean to be a bad boss? Well, a good boss does few things, like there’s traits of a good boss and when you start working for yourself, are you being a good pause? Are you going to be a bad boss to yourself? And what happens when you have a bad boss? You don’t like working there. You either want to quit or you’re probably gonna get fired. One of the two.So if you’re a bad boss to yourself, are you going to quit? Are you gonna get, are you gonna fire yourself?

02:54Learn to be a better boss to yourself. A lot of that is encouragement, but what, what is good boss? Do they expect you to be somewhere on time or early? You know, they give you targets, quotas, goals, deadlines. They expect you to hit those deadlines. They work with you, they train you. If, if you, if you need some training, they’ll encourage you and then when you do really good, what else is good boss? Do they give you a raise? The first rule of business is pay yourself first, which I think a lot of us violate and I don’t know how many of you violate that, but I have violated that too many times in my life. So I’m trying to learn these first rules of everything. Like the first rule of real estate, location, location, location. Okay. So I don’t leave. I totally violated that when I was younger.

03:37And then the first rule of business, pay yourself first. Yep. I’ve been violating that my whole life. You know why though? And I’m gonna put this little thought in there. I thinkI’ve been violating that because I didn’t have true self worth. Have you felt that?Do you value yourself? Do you even really know what it means to value yourself? And that’s what I’ve been learning. That’s the, a lot of these learning experiences that I’ve been having is how to value myself. And so I hope that you value yourself because you’re incredible. You’re amazing. You’re a child of God created for great things, and you have created great things also. And you have lot of really, really good ideas. And those ideas, they’re not supposed to just stay ideas. You’re supposed to take one of those, one or two of those ideas and make them happen.

04:23And some people never get a chance to make their dreams happen. They think that they’re only dreams. But if a dream was given to you, it was given to you to do, just understand that dream was given to you, is given to you to do. All right. So want to talk a little bit about, I got to grab my paper here that, oh, it’s in my pocket. Um, I’ve took some notes because I wanted to talk about everybody’s comments. Maybe I’ll go this way. We can see the mountains. Maybe I’ll just put this tripod down.

04:52Oh, am I a good idea? Huh? Nice. This is a gorilla pod has ever seen these things. Kind of clip on to everything.

05:09Nice. Cool. Oh yeah, that’s a cool shot. Alright everybody. Thank you. You’re so incredible.All right, so couple of comments from yesterday’s hike. Oh, so this is day five, by the way. I wanted to quickly say that flow. I did mention a little bit those first four days. Boy, I pretty much passed out. To be completely honest with you, that first three days I would get home after the hike and I would just pass out. I had massive brain fog because of no coffee. I was still drinking the fruit smoothies. Idid start that fruit smoothies. Awesome. Really good idea. Yeah.

05:46Pop this exposure down a little bit. There we go. Oh Man.

05:52I don’t know why I did that. All right, so, but Stephanie, which you came to the mountain yesterday, you’re awesome. It was so good to see you. Thank you for bringing your friend. It was great to see you here at the mountain. And Stephanie said that she quit smoking 14 years ago. Cold Turkey. And that’s something I want to mention. So, uh, what, what are, what are, I want to say congratulations about that, Stephanie, because that’s, that’s such a cool thing and I want to know how you did that. I want to know how you, what, why you did it. Because my, my thought is the reason you did it cause you made your decision. Oh, I think you did mention why you did it. You went to a con, uh, conference with Saeed and over at this church up here and then you just made, or maybe it was TD Jakes, not sure, but then you just made a decision in your mind that it was done and it was over.

06:48And that’s what happened with me. I made the decision in my mind that it was done. It’s over when the decision’s made. It’s over. Decision is when you make you eliminate all other options. Boom. This is what we’re doing. Decision is like filter, but it’s a filter you got to use some times. A lot of times you just gotta use it all the time actually. So when you hike, you breathe. When you smoke cigarettes, you breathe. A lot of times I didn’t even realize that I wasn’t breathing. I wasn’t like consciously, I was breathing normally just to keep my body alive, but wasn’t consciously getting as much oxygen into my body as possible. Oxygen is abundant and the more we breathe, the more energy we’re going to have. So if oxygen isn’t, Whoa, hello? So oxygen is abundant and if we breathe more, we have more energy.

07:39So why don’t we just use that oxygen and learned to breathe more and not breathe, not force ourselves to breathe by smoking a cigarette? Just think about that. Plus when we’re breathing exercises, when you think of that breathing exercises, it’s not breathing relaxed time. We need to use it as a breathing exercise. We need to be moved, moving. Choose to move. If you move, you breathe. If you move, you move your lymph, you move all the toxins out of your body and you breathe, you breathe at the same time. Quick bit of information. I did mention this in theInstagram and the linkedin video earlier was the movement of your body actually moves the lymph system. Do you know a little bit about the lymph system?Quick little bit of science. The circulatory system in our body moves blood through our body and there’s a parallel system. That parallel system is called the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system eliminates the waste from our body, so the circulatory system brings the blood and nutrients to all our whole body and then our and our heart pumps, all that, but then everything eliminates through the lymphatic system, which comes out through the sweat glands and all that kind of stuff. Let’s see if I can eliminate that sun. Claire, maybe I’ll just come over here.

08:51I mean the sunrise or the awesome, but the video exposures are always the best, but that’s okay. I like this. This is a good shot right here, so I hope that makes sense, but move. That’s what I was feeling stagnant because I wasn’t moving. I was feeling really stagnant because I wasn’t moving. I was doing mind movement everyday was getting up doing my affirmations, you know, reading, really doing a lot of mind work, but I wasn’t doing body work. I wasn’t moving my body and now feel a lot better just after a week. But that first week I always jump into something understanding a foundational thing. This is why the cold Turkey thing works for me. I understand that when you jump into something foundationally, you have to know what you’re going to change something or start something.You’ve got to know that it’s gonna.

09:40It’s gonna be really hard. You’re gonna have to push that first wall. There’s always a first wall and it’s usually about a weekend. If consistency, you gotta be consistent for about a week and you’re going to hit a first wall or you’re going to crash through a first wall. That whole week is the wall. The whole week is the first wall. You’vegot to crash through that first wall. It’s a big wall. But after that week of consistency, daily consistency, your body’s gonna recognize that, oh, I’m going to be doing this and it’s going to feel better instead of now for the first three days crashed out. I went home, I passed out for like two hours. I’m like, oh my gosh ,this is not a not productive. It’s not giving me energy. But now it’s day five.Yesterday was the first day. I didn’t have to take a nap during the day to have energy to like get through the day.

10:25So today I think is going to be that, but I’m also going to take it easy on myself today just for another week and just not for a whole nother week before this week untilSunday when I am doing day seven of this. I think that’s going to be day seven.Friday, Saturday, Sunday five, six, seven. Yeah. Wow. Um, then I think my body’s just going to be producing a lot more energy and these fruit smoothies are great.Now I’m giving myself the opportunity. Also, I’m pretty much going, I’m not going to say that I’m going all fruit yet for this month, but I might be going off fruit. I’m really seeing how I feel about that because I feel really good and I’m doing these fruit smoothies, like I can have as much fruit as I want as much.Here’s my diet, my first off. What is your diet?

11:06Your diet is what you eat. So if you’re like, I’m on a diet or I’m not on a diet, you always are on a diet because your diet is just what you eat. So what are you eating right now that’s as your diet good? Or is your diet bad because you could have a good diet, you can have a bad diet, but it’s like you’re always on a diet. Our diet is what we eat. So what are you eating? And right now my diet has been fruit smoothies and it’s a lot of and Moringa and it has given me so much energy, but I still have to deplete my energy, but the energy has to move through us. That’s what lymphatic system too. We got to move. That’s why you bounce on the trampoline or to move your lymphatic system. And what they’re finding is that stationary life style is even more detrimental to your body than smoking cigarettes.

11:52Isn’t that crazy? I think it’s pretty crazy. Um, so let me move on because Jesse and my dad did a sunrise hike yesterday also in Austin, Texas. So that’s awesome. Uh, I love you guys. You’re awesome. And I’m so glad you’re getting some sunrise hikes in.Plus Yulia got some sunrise hikes in two at a, in Hawaii. So that is awesome. love that. I love that a lot. And Yeah. Okay. So I want to talk about one thing. want to talk to my friend Yulia here a little bit, cause she asked me a question want to, I want to touch on and I think what I’m gonna do is I’m going to go sit down somewhere real quick. There’s a nice hill. I was Kinda like, oh, I guess that was a good spot. So, all right, let me read this here.

13:05That’s a nice little view right there. All right. There we go. So you, Yulia said thank you for another wonderful inspirational video. Dave. You’re welcome Yulia. I love this challenge watching you because I love this challenge watching you because as you said, it helps me to look at my challenges and find my way. Thank you. I’m glad you say that because I, that’s what I’m doing this for. Um, you mentioned that you are not drinking alcohol and this has been my challenge in a way that want to quit too and there is really no need or desire for it, but it became such habit and part of all social activities that it is almost impossible to quit coldTurkey. I quit for a week or two at a time, but then fall right back into it. So with that said, I’d like to hear your story about quitting and maybe some advice. All right, so I want to break this down a little bit for you and I’ll, I’ll tell you a little bit of my story as I’m doing that. So you said, you mentioned that you are not drinking alcohol and this has been a challenge in the way that you want to quit.So that is always the first step. Now you did say that you wanted to quit and you’ve tried to quit for a week or two at a time, but you’d fall back into it. So totally understand that and

14:34I think some of this, it’s such a habit and part of all social activities, you also said that, so there is a sense that other people are involved in this situation as well. And there is a quote Jim Roan who says we are the average of the five people that we spend the most time with. So I don’t, I’m not a big advocate of cutting people out of your life. I don’t think I liked that methodology of, of really how people put that.But in one sense I can see what people are talking about. But ultimately it’s, have had some friends over the past that have shown me that when you have commitment to something, especially a health commitment, you stick to it no matter what. One of my friends, Johnny, in fact, he’s my business partner for intrigue films from the movies that I’ve made.

15:30Um, Johnny is really healthy and there is nothing, and it’s literally a decision he made in his mind. Like he eats whatever he wants to eat and whatever he doesn’t want to eat, he’s not really afraid to like say he doesn’t want that. And it’s, it’s really becoming okay with yourself. And one of the reasons for me, now let me get into my story a little bit about the alcohol. All of the stories that don’t seem like they came from me happened because of me under the influence of alcohol. And you can ask all the people around me in those crazy times. Oh boy. Um, alcohol has taken me to some places that uh, yeah, I think it’s, I, I’ve heard it brings out the inner you or something like that. I don’t know. I’m all in, I’m like 100% go or 100% stop and, and alcohol definitely brought that out boy.

16:38And when I was younger and Yulia, you’ve actually seen me at part of my worst. Oh boy, what a night. Um, but that, oh boy, man, so that was when I was a little bit younger too. This was when I was, I think late twenties, maybe early thirties.Right now I’m 39, you know, before I could recover, I actually had a goal onetime to go to Chicago with my friend Johnny. And I was like, my goal is to get drunk every single night and then just sleep as long as I need to sleep to feel better to go out and get drunk again, worse the next night. So, and I kept doing that for 10 days and actually I did it. I totally did it. I achieved my goal and it was terrible. But a lot of stories happen that week too. And I don’t, I don’t, the stories are kind of funny in a way.

17:43I never did anything malicious, but I totally ridiculously stupid things. And I got urged a lot of times to do stupid things, but people telling me, Oh, you can’t do that or you won’t do that. And then I would be like, we’re really, oh yeah, boom. And I go doit. So alcohol brings out whatever it brings out in you. But now as I’m a little bit older and I, I get a little smarter, I’m understanding that alcohol is a straight up poison, no matter if it’s a social thing or not, it’s a straight up poison. Even my mom asked me, she’s like, what about wine? And I like when I make wine, like I,I do like alcohol, but the, here’s the thing I’m finding and I’ll definitely still have beer now and then. So here’s what I want to say is maybe just say a 30-day challenge.

18:31You know, don’t quit it for good. Quit it for now. Just give yourself a 30 day challenge.Maybe your 30 day challenges alcohol. And it’s okay. And it makes it easier when you make a 30 day challenge with alcohol because now you can tell your friends, hey, no, I’m on a 30 day challenge. I’m not, I’m not drinking for 30 days.You have a reason to tell your friends you’re not, why you’re not drinking. And it’s different. It’s hard because when you’re out you want to have a beer or something. Now if you’re still going to drink it, I think you kind of have to cut it off for awhile. It’s like you, unless you can have some willpower and go out and say, I’m going to have one glass of wine or I’m going to have one beer. That’s the hard part. If you can’t do that, it’s going to be hard to just moderate it, so that’s why if it’s going to be hard to moderate it, you just got to cold Turkey it, but it’s easier to cold Turkey if you’d call it a 30 day challenge because days 31 to 60 are going to be a little easier and day 61 to nine you’re going to be a little easier, so called the 30 day challenge.

19:29You don’t have to be done for with it for good. You can be done with it. For now, I’m not necessarily done with it for good, like I will probably have a beer now and then it’s not like I quit drinking altogether, but I don’t. First off, me getting up at 3:00AM has made me go to bed at seven 30 to 8:00 AM 8:00 PM which means I can’t go out and drink with my friends. It gives me a perfect excuse not to drink because I’m sleeping because sleeping is way more beneficial on your body than drinking in my opinion. And then when I wake up in the morning, I feel better.This is why I stopped alcohol completely is because I for right now is because even if I have a glass of wine, I cannot get up at three o’clock in the morning,Dee. I mean it’s just like I cannot stay on this productive rhythm that I’m on this, this super charged rhythm that I’m on this mentor them.

20:24Now the mental rhythm is moving to physical and mental. So if I have one beer, I might be able to still get up maybe at four but four I don’t like getting up before I want to get up at three. I want to get up before for like three 30 if I can do three, that’s cool, but I’m okay if it’s like three 30 but when I get up at four or anytime before five like, oh boy, that just feels late to me now. Which is so weird because I was night owl. I hope this is helping. I hope this is beneficial. Um, Yulia, you’re amazing and I just want to encourage you because one of the things all of this boils down to is self worth. And maybe you love yourself and talk really well to yourself. But I want to encourage you just to make that part of your conscious awareness.

21:16You’re incredible, you’re valuable. And once we understand our inner worth, now we can start committing to ourself. Because when we make, here’s the other question.Can you trust yourself? Trust is earned, right? But see, if we break trust with ourself, then we lose trust for ourself. We need to learn to trust ourself again by doing being the person that we say we are and doing the things that we say we’re going to do. So if you say, I want to do a 30 day challenge and you commit to it and then you don’t do it, you’re breaking trust with yourself and that’s the only person there’s competition with. Look, there’s no competition with anybody else.I can run up this mountain and if I pass somebody, I’m not competing with them.I’m competing with my best time. We’re only competing with our past self. That’s all we’re ever competing with.

22:10We’re competing with our past self and we’re competing with that past self to become the future self that we want to be. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense.All right. I have rambled on a lot today and I hope any, I hope some of it made sense, but I love you all. You guys are incredible. And Yulia, you got this. Um, know you, you don’t have to sit drinking as your 30 day challenge, but it’s a good one to do with a 30 day challenge is an excellent wanted to do, uh, because any of you out there who want to stop weed or anything, it’s like a 30 day challenges are really good way to do any of this stuff because it’s 30 days. You don’t have to be done with it for good. You can be done with it for now. So I love you all. You have greatness within you. You have greatness within you, and you have so much personal power. And I want you to access it. And you access it by, by finding away to trust yourself more by doing what you say you’re going to do for yourself.Give yourself the time of day because you’re worth it. You’re worth it. You’re child of God. I love you so much. And until next time I’m going to get going down the mountain. My name is Dave stone. Develop awesome skills. Now go find your gold.


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  1. David A Stone

    What are some of the changes you have made in your life that have made you better?
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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

'Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide'

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