Day 6 of 30 – Other People’s Shoes and Hats with Elvis!

by Jun 19, 2019Blog, Daily Sunrise Hike

My Mom Always Said, “Put Yourself In Their Shoes.”

So when you put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can kind of start feeling what they’re feeling. But I was thinking it’s more than just shoes.

It’s shoes and hats.

So you got to put yourself in their shoes. But then you got to ask yourself, what hat are they wearing at the time? Because every single person has so many different hats that we wear.

I mean, how many hats you wear?

Still You, Just a Bit Different With Each Hat You Wear… 

All these different hats require a little bit different version of you. It’s still you, but you have different tasks in each one of these hats and sometimes maybe you’ll pull out different emotions in different hats.

You’re probably not going to have the same emotions with your wife and your family as you do at work.

I just want to encourage you all. If you find yourself getting frustrated or mad at someone else, or if someone else is getting frustrated or mad at you, understand that they might not understand what you’re going through and you might not understand what they’re going through and you might not understand what they’re going through with whatever the hat they’re wearing at the time.

I love you so much! Until next time, develop awesome skills and go find your gold!


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Full Episode Transcript with Timecode:

00:04What’s up everyone? I got my friend Elvis here. You hike this morning. You got up in themorning and hiked with me. Yes I did. Thank you for doing that. How does it feelif it’s awesome? It feels awesome. Tight, but that’s awesome. Tell me a littleabout the hike real quick. It’s a really good hike at salon now. A lot of rocky and Ido like that. It kicked my butt. I’ve never done this one before. You can do theone across the way. So this is the other mountain right over here. He’s saying thisone. Wait, no, that’s this one. So we got another one that mountain, that peak. Sothat one’s more of like a trail, right? It’s not really like as rocky. This is reallyrocky coming us. So I wanted to say this video I’m going to dedicate to Joaquin.Joaquin. Hope you do an awesome man. So Elvis, you’re here. You’re exercisingin the morning and I want to say you had a pretty cool story you just told meabout kind of getting in shape. Yeah. You want it to say that really quick oncamera or

01:04out of shape? I was 250 pounds. Uh, um, wasn’t really taking care of myself as sluggish,heavy, just uh, not feeling good. Um, how long ago was that? About? I thinkmaybe a couple of years. Couple of years. Couple of years now. And uh, I justslowly started to eat right. And uh, see what I was eating and started, you know,seeing some of your videos and realize like, you know, planning your own foodand eating right.

01:32Yeah. And you came to the Sunnyslope open studio tour to my yard in September. So didyour son walk keen? Yeah. And you have a little food forest going, don’t use it.

01:43Yeah. Bring the tree, got a bunch of fruit trees going. Like got some little titles on PeachStreet.

01:48Yes. A little bit of everything on there. How many peach it was like, what kind of varietiesdo you have?

01:54Uh, the uh, the base, the normal ones, the, the uh, desert.

01:58Those are gold. Um, and then I have the Florida prince local instance. Those are the ones Ihave. And I have some apricot odds. Are they still producing right now or arethey done now? There’s don’t cause I’ve already planned only. Oh, cool. So all myplans are still a year. Cool. When’s the best time to plant the tree? Uh, 10 yearsago. Right on. Awesome dude. Well this is going to be a great day. And, um, andactually today I was, I wanted to talk about, I don’t know, you don’t have to talkabout it with me. What do you got going on this morning? You want to, do youwant to stick around? Because I got a lot, a lot of video to do here. Okay, cool.Let’s go find a cool spot to sit down. And actually, I think let’s just sit down here.Oh no, sunset behind us. So today I wanted to talk about, uh, shoes and hats and,and get your opinion on it. So here, here’s the, here’s the thought I had.

02:55Have you ever, and I’ll ask you this and I’m gonna ask all of you too, have you ever gottenmad at someone and then hurt a little bit about their story and realize that you feltpretty bad after you heard their story? You’re like, oh gosh, they went throughsome crap coffee stuff and like you’ve already got mad at them and you know,you feel kind of bad about getting mad at him. So how do you, how do youremedy that? My mom always said, put yourself in their shoes. Okay. So whenyou put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can kind of start feeling whatthey’re feeling. But I was thinking it’s more than just shoes. It’s shoes and hats. Soyou got to put yourself in their shoes. But then you got to ask yourself, what hatare they wearing at the time? Because every single person has so many differenthats that we wear. I mean, how many hats you wear. You are, you’re a dad, youhave a job. So you’re

03:43w manager, manager, retail. And then what other hats do you wear? A supportive, uh, ashusband and friend. Yeah,

03:52yeah, absolutely. And so all these different hats require, they’re a little bit different versionof you there. There’s still you, but like you have different tasks to do in each oneof these hats and sometimes maybe you’ll pull out different emotions in differenthats, like you’re probably not going to have the same emotions with your wifeand your family as you do at work. Yeah. So I think when when we put ourselvesin people’s shoes, we also got a wonder what hats are they wearing at the time. Soeverybody has different hats and I don’t know if this makes sense. Maybe this is areally weird thing to talk about, but actually I do need a drink of water. Yeah. Letme grab my little camel back. Yeah, we just got to the top of the mountain and Iwrote to Elvis into the doing this video with me, but I’m really glad you’re heredude. That’s so awesome. It actually feels really good. I got to the top of themountain. He’s like, Damn. I was like, what’s up Elvis? So that’s the thing. If youguys want to meet me up here, I think this is called catch one Q. E c h. A. N. I’mnot sure. I think it’s called catch one. Sure. I didn’t realize there was so manytrails around North Mountain, but there is


05:06so I think it’s catch one, but I’m not really sure if, I guess I’ll figure that out for you guys.But it’d be really cool. Just meet me up here to sunrise. That’s what Elvis did. Heactually left. Literally. You got, you got up here before? I did, but uh, what timedo you leave your house this morning

05:20for? Uh, for four or five? Four oh five.

05:24Oh Man. Four oh five. Nice. Yeah, I left about four 45 cause I live right over there. Yeah, Ilive on the west side, so, oh, you do? Nice. Oh Bro, thanks for coming out. Thisis awesome. So Joaquin wanted to come to, but how old is Joaquin? He’s seven.He’s seven.

05:40Do you want me to come over here so bad? He wanted to see, uh, um, but I told him I needto do the chauffeurs. I’d never done this trail before. So it’s a good at maybe nexttime. Yeah. And um, my three old satisfies two, his name is Diego Diego.

05:52Awesome. Awesome. What’s up Diego and Joaquin and Bianca, my wife and hey guys.Yeah, thanks for letting him leave today and hike with me. This is awesome. So Ijust, I just realized, so, I mean I don’t like getting mad at people, but then it’s likeat times when I do get mad at someone, I have to remember they’re probablygoing through something. They’re probably, something’s probably going on withthem. And, and uh, I think we live in such a quick paced environment. It’s alwayslike, it’s a fast food place. It’s like, let’s get our podcast for right now. And one ofthe things, I don’t know if you experienced is about losing weight, but I was, Iwas about to 20 at my heaviest. And right now I’m like one 83. Nice. And uh,this, the beginning of this year, I think I was around two oh five.

06:46So I mean, I beginning for the first six months, I think I lost about 20 pounds. I feel reallygood, but now I’m ready to, I think I still have a little bit more weight to lose, butI also want to convert some of that weight into muscle and strength. Yeah. So I’llprobably hopefully level out around one 80 is what I kind of want to level outaround, but I’m not really sure. Anyways. Um, wow. I just lost my train ofthought. But anyways, I just want to, I just want to encourage you all. If you findyourself getting frustrated or mad at someone else, or if someone else is gettingfrustrated or mad at you, understand that they might not understand what you’regoing through and you might not understand what they’re going through and youmight not understand what they’re going through with whatever the hat they’rewearing at the time.

07:31Maybe someone is really, really nice at work, but when they get home, they’re frustrated justbecause they’re very comfortable around those people. So it’s like there’s twodifferent hats there. There’s work hat and a family hat. So, you know, not only dowe have to put ourselves in each other’s shoes, we’ve got to do that and thenwe’ve got to pick what hat they were wearing at the time. So we got to putourselves in each other’s shoes and wear each others hats. That’s my whole pointfor that, for that thought I had today. But anyways, it’s a great day. The BeautifulDay sunrise and it is, oh I forgot to even mention, I think it’s day six for me.Yeah, it’s day six and I’m feeling really good. I’m feeling really good now. Iactually have um, a lot of energy. Yesterday though I did pass out for a couple ofhours.

08:15I did, I did. I’m allowing my body just to sleep if it needs to right now. I don’t know if I’mgoing to need that in the next, next week coming up, but maybe I will. I don’twant to need that. I want to crank and get a lot of work done cause I have a lot ofstuff to do. But anyways, that’s my thought for the day. What do you guys thinkabout that? Put it in the comments below and also keep putting in the commentsbelow. What your 30 day challenges do you have a 30 day challenge? I do not.You don’t want to set one on B? Okay. It can be super easy to, you don’t have todo a hardcore one like me, but I think, I think having a 30 day challenge, ifthere’s something you want to quit or something you want to begin, having a 30day challenge is a good way to wrap it around that.

08:54Only now, um, you have an excuse to stop it when your friends are still doing it. Yeah. Like,no, I have a 30 day challenge. I’m not, I’m not. Dot. Yeah, the 30 day challenge.No, I’m good. If you like, I’m going to bed at seven 30 for 30 days and yourfriends are like, you’re crazy. How old are you now? Anyways, but awesome.Elvis. Well, I think this was an excellent video. Dude. Thank you so much forbeing in this video for me. Comment below. Joaquin. This is videos for you, sothanks dude for being awesome and I hope you eat your Maringa every day. Allright guys, until next time, develop awesome skills. Go find your gold.


1 Comment

  1. David A Stone

    How many hats do you wear when living in your shoes? for me, I have at least 20 hats and 3 main ones.


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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

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