Day 7 of 30 – Dads Are Awesome!

by Jun 19, 2019Blog, Daily Sunrise Hike

Happy Fathers Day! 

To all the fathers out there, you’re all incredible. You’re all awesome.

Say hi to your kids today to don’t wait for them to call you. Just give them a call. If you don’t get a call from them. Today’s a day of reconciliation coming back together.

If you’ve had any issues with your dad in the past, today is a day to call them and say, I love you and see what happens.

If you haven’t talked to your dad and a really long time, or if you’ve never talked to your biological father, today is the day!

Punch Through Your Goals Like a Ninja

So just like in a martial artist studio, when you want to break the board, you don’t punch the board to break the board. What do you do if you’re trying to break the board?

You’ve got to punch through the board to break the board and that’s really what the whole goal setting strategy is. But the golden legacy purpose is such a crucial piece of this, the golden legacy purpose is, ‘How are you still going to be serving people 20 years after you’re gone?’

Your legacy, what legacy are you going to leave behind?

Now, the problem with the golden legacy purpose is, it’s a very difficult one to honestly identify because when you identify how do you still want to be serving people 20 years after you’re gone, you will understand that is a big one as a really, really big one.

Your Golden Legacy Purpose (GLP)

What goals have you set that you have achieved?

What goals have you set that you have not achieved yet?

Are there any goals you’ve been trying to achieve for the last 10 years and now you’re just exhausted and defeated, burnt out, tired, wondering why you didn’t get your goal because you’re, you’ve really, really wanted it?

You know, there was a lot of people around you that were, were getting theirs, but why didn’t you get yours?

Isn’t it your time? Well, it is your time.

But I got to say, getting your goals requires that your goals are pointing in the right direction with your GLP!

I love you so much! Until next time, develop awesome skills and go find your gold!


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Full Episode Transcript With Timecode:

00:06What’s up. Good morning everybody. It is day seven of my hike of my 30 day challenge.And today is also father’s days, a happy father’s Day to all you fathers out there.John Joseph, I love you. You’re amazing. You’ve taught me a lot of awesome stuff and out of the box thinking and just being creative and really just expanding my awareness and expanding my consciousness. Thank you for that. And myStepdad, Tim growing up really taught me how to work, really gave me a strong work ethic and really instilled some, some making it happen in me. And uh, and then Steve, I just want to say thank you so much for always believing in me and having my back and teaching me also the real work ethic that I have as an adult.You man, you’ve been really just a firing me up in that cause you can work really, really hard.

01:05And Steve, you’re, you’re incredible. You’re amazing. And so I love you guys. That’s my three father’s Day dads wish for today. So I just want to say to all the fathers out there, you’re all incredible. You’re all awesome. And to everybody who isn’t father. If you’re a dude and you’re not a father, then you’re awesome too. But the fathers out there, you’ve done your job, you’ve done your work, and so hopefully you say hi to your kids today to don’t wait for them to call you. Just give them call. If you don’t get a call from them. Today’s a day of reconciliation coming back together. If you had any issues with your dad in the past, today is a day to call them and say, I love you and see what happens. If you haven’t talked to your dad and a really long time, or if you’ve never talked to your biological father, because I know a lot of you are like this too.

01:56You had, um, a Stepdad and maybe you’ve been told a lot of things about your biological father in the past, but if you’ve never searched for him or you know where he is, but you just don’t want to reach out. If you’re too scared to reach out, maybe today’s that day that you could take that jump and reach out and say, you know what? You have a dad that’s around right now because some people don’t even have a dad that’s around right now. Well, the other thing I want to mention hereon father’s day is that the ultimate father, God, our father is here for all of us. So if we don’t have an earthly dad, we have, God is our father. And I don’t know what you believe about God, but I got to say God believes in you. So God is my father. Thank you Jesus for being incredible and thank you all for being an awesome too. So I love you all. It’s father’s Day. I want to talk about something today to today. I really actually want to talk about goal setting.

02:56I bet a lot of you are really good goal setters and achievers, but I want to give you a little strategy today. And this came from my book, your gold mind. It’s a process thatI’ve been building, but I’ve been really honing it since I wrote the book and published it in March. So here’s the strategy. First, this is the one goal. There’s two kinds of goals that you need. There’s a golden legacy purpose and then there’s current golden goals. Current golden goals make up two kinds of goals.Those are short and longterm goals, but you’re golden. Legacy purpose is bigger than this. Most of the Times people just set current golden goals, long term and short term goals and then you’re achieving a lot of these goals and then when you get to the top of these goals, sometimes you feel quite empty. And the reason that is one of the reasons that is sometimes is because you don’t have anything.

03:46You’re punching through that goal too. So just like in a martial artist studio, when you want to break the board, you don’t punch the board to break the board. What do you do if you’re trying to break the board? Here’s the board. You’ve got to punch through the board to break the board and that’s really what the whole goal setting strategy is. But the golden legacy purpose is such a crucial piece of this, the golden legacy purpose is, How are you still going to be serving people 20 years after you’re gone? Your legacy, what legacy are you going to leave behind? Now, the problem with the golden legacy purposes, it’s a very difficult one to honestly identify because when you identify how do you still want to be starving people 20 years after you’re gone, you understand? That’s a big one as a really, really big one.

04:36Don’t look, the sun’s coming up. Yeah, so how are you still going to be serving people 20years after you’re gone? That’s the GLP. But once you can plug that in, if you don’t know what that is right now, that’s okay. Plug it in with something that you think you might want at the end, but plug that spot in. And then once you have your GLP, now you can orient your CGG’s, which are your current golden goals or your short and longterm goals, and those goals will now be able to point toward where you’re going, the ultimate destination of where you want to go. If you don’t have an ultimate destination, it’s going to be hard to navigate your short and long-term goals to point that direction. And it’s going to be hard to break through those goals to point to on the way to your golden legacy purpose. If you’re just punching to goals and a lot of times money goals, they’re really good goals to have cause you can achieve it. I’m gonna Clean this lens real quick, but oh, hello.There’s a little Madeline’s flare right across my eyes. Woo. Horizon Lens flare.

05:47All right, well I can’t really figure this part out, but anyways, hope you guys all right. I’m going to change the, oh, that’s just happening. Oh, it’s probably because the lens flare. Nope. All right, so you need your current golden goals and you just, you’re golden legacy purpose. And once you find your golden legacy purpose, now you can punch through your goals to get to your golden legacy purpose. I hope that makes sense because it works for me now my golden legacy purpose of you guys really want to know, it’s big. My golden legacy purpose of it should be big. You go to legacy purpose should actually be bigger than you. It should be something that you can’t do on your own. Something that you need a team, you need more experience, you need other people to help you learn how to do. That is you golden legacy purpose.

06:33Now you can focus. Once you have that, you could focus on setting your current and current golden goals, your short term and your long term goals that will lead you there.And Right now sometimes my longterm goal is only a month away. My short-term goals are all the steps that I need to hit that month. Longterm goal. It’s not really a long term. That’s actually short term. There’s probably longterm, short-term and nano term if I really want to dial it in on the CGGS, but ultimately short and longterm to keep it simple and then just make sure that you have that GLP that you point to because if we’re achieving all these goals in the opposite direction of where we’re ultimately headed, we’re Gunna feel unfulfilled at the top of these goals. So I hope you guys got some value out of this episode today on goal setting.

07:20And I want to, I want you to put in the comments below, what goals have you set that you have achieved and what goals have you set that you have not achieved yet, and are there any goals that you’ve been trying to achieve for the last 10 years and now you’re just exhausted and defeated, burnt out, tired, wondering why you didn’t get your goal because you’re, you’ve really, really wanted it. You know, there was a lot of people around you that were, were getting theirs, but why didn’t you get yours? Isn’t it your time will, it is your time. But I got to say, getting your goals requires that your goals are pointing in the right direction. So first, that’s foundational area area. So if you can find your GLP. So I didn’t tell you what mine is. My GLP is big. It’s bigger than me.

08:13It’s something I can accomplish on my own. And My GLP is Stonehaven super cities. know that sounds crazy to a lot of you, but it doesn’t sound crazy to me because really want to d help decontaminate the earth. I want to show people that they can do too. And my ultimate vision right now, my initial ultimate vision for my GOPis to clean up the salt and sea and make it a resort area again. And I have specific plan of action on how to do that. And one of the reasons that I, I’m pretty sure of why it’s contaminated, just from the research that I’ve done and I knowhow to stop, start stopping the d, the contamination and make it into a resort again. But on my super cities, and I don’t want these super cities just to be in one place.

08:59I want them to be all over. But in my super cities, I want Stonehaven success institute or SSI and what Stonehaven Success Institute is going to be. It’s going to be a place where people to learn for people to develop awesome skills, whatever the awesome skills are, because there’s a lot of changes coming in society in the next10 years, 20 years. There’s a lot of changes coming and I’ve been listening toElon Musk and a few of these futurists out there and there’s some real questions we’re going to have to be asking ourselves here in the next 20 years with the rise of Ai, the rise of everything getting done for us, the rise of things getting mass produced for cheaper. Here’s the problem with Ai. Ai is going to come in and they’re going to make all of our jobs obsolete. Anything that you’ve had to do fora living, you’re, it’s most likely gonna be obsolete within the next 20 years when it comes to AI. So how do people typically define themselves right now?Typically people are defining themselves on what they do on their job to people typically say, who are you? I’m a truck driver. I’m a server, I’m a author, I’m a car mechanic, I’m a lawyer. My doctor.

10:18The problem with how we do this is that we’re saying I am. We’re putting our essence into job, and that is not necessarily all that we are. We’re way more than just our job, but we’re going to really be able to see this coming up in the next 10 to 20 years.Because what happens when your skills are useless in the workplace, when your workplace skills are useless and they’re not even going to be needed anymore?How will we derive meaning? How will we find meaning in our life when the one thing that, Whoa, pardon me, when the one thing I just belt, that was awesome. When the, how will we derive meaning when the one thing that we derive meaning from right now is gone, our job, I think we’re going to have to derive meaning from life again. We’re going to have to learn how to say, I’m not defined by my job.

11:15I’m defined by anything I want to be defined by. So what is that? What awesome skills do you want to learn? Art Is Never gonna go away. The artistic side of you is never gonna go away. Manifestation. Making things happen is never gonna go away.There’s going to be a lot of things that we can figure out how to do, but we’re not going to be defined by our job. We’re going to have to be defined more by our passions and by our skills than by our job in the future. So that’s just a little blurb on the future of society for me. But ultimately, this was a big episode. I just want to say happy father’s Day to all the fathers out there. You’re incredible. I love you. And if you’re not a father, I see I’m not a dad that people, but I’m a dad to my cats and I’m a dad and my ducks and that I’m a dad to my food forest. So we all take care of something. And I noticed on mother’s Day, but moms, you’re incredibly awesome too. Um, always. You’re all awesome. So I love you all so much. And until next time, my name’s David, a stone. Develop awesome skills.Now go find some gold.



  1. David A Stone

    Tell me something cool about your dad.

  2. David A Stone

    Also, have you ever implemented a personal goal setting strategy to achieve your lofty dreams? if so, what was your strategy? how do you approach goal setting


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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

'Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide'

If you are interested in getting your FREE, One-Page Life Mastery Guide to help you find YOUR GOLD and change the world!

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