The Finger – Shareable Nugget #17

by Jul 8, 2019Blog, Shareable Nuggets

Shareable Nugget #7: The Finger

When was the last time you got mad at someone or gave someone the finger?

I know I was in traffic one time and this semi driver cuts me off and I was so angry. I was young, I was so angry and I pulled up right next to him. I looked up, I was like fuming, turning red and I flipped him off and he totally saw me. He saw me right there, like face to face looking straight up at him. He looked down and then I got kind of scared. I looked away and looked forward and started trying to put on the gas, but the traffic stopped.

The traffic stopped and I was stuck there right next to him staring up at him after I had just flipped him off! Oh boy. Yeah.

Have you ever been in a situation like that? Well, that is anger. Anger happens. It’s a powerful emotion.

It happens in a moment. And is there an antidote for anger? And what is anger even related to?

I think a lot of times it’s related to fear. Maybe it’s a fear within ourselves. A fear outside.

But here’s the antidote. I heard this from Tony Robbins, Thank you Tony Robbins.

The antidote for anger and fear is gratitude.

What are you thankful for? What are you thankful for? What are you grateful for? What are the things in your life that are incredible?

If you can’t really think about something right now, think about a time you had some incredible things.

Think about the people you love you, even if you’re pushing them away. You may not see all the people who love you right now, because you may be blocking it out.

Open your mind.

There’s a lot of people around you, who love you and they’re trying to help you right now.


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David A Stone

David A Stone

Founder of Develop Awesome Skills

I'm an AuthorpreneurGoal-Mining Expert, Urban Farmer &

#1Bestselling Author of Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide!

So, I guess you can call me a 'treasure hunter.'  The treasure I seek is gold.

Gold in the form of ideas, thoughts and visions for the future.

I have become so obsessed with defining what drives us all to do the things we do. Why do we act like we are in poverty when wealth is a mindset we can switch on in a moment?

Through my life experience of selling real-estate, cars, and vacuum cleaners, to making movies, commercials,  TV & YouTube Shows, I have come up with some strategic life hacks that I truly must share! I've always been someone who made things happen, but through the chaos, that life pours on us all, I couldn't seem to get ahead ...until I discovered the KEY to finding my gold and,

This key will also work for you.

I decided to start writing and put it all into my first book called:

'Your Gold Mind - Brain Digging Goal Guide'

If you are interested in getting your FREE, One-Page Life Mastery Guide to help you find YOUR GOLD and change the world!

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