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Day 11 of 30 – How Many People Can You Serve?

Day 11 of 30 – How Many People Can You Serve?

When you, when you’re transitioning into being your own boss, understand that we’re still being hired by somebody. We still have to be hired by somebody. But who are we being hired by were not being hired by a boss anymore because we are the boss. We’re high, we’re hired by our customer, we’re hired by the public, we’re hired by the people that we serve. And that’s really the whole point also that I want to make here is the people that we serve. How many people can you serve? How many people do you serve?

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Day 10 of 30 – How to Pave Your Rut With Clarity of Purpose

Day 10 of 30 – How to Pave Your Rut With Clarity of Purpose

When you close your eyes at your new house, feel what you feel, you know, touch it, taste it, the full, use all your emotions to visualize this final experience, this house, and then you’re going to be able to, your, your subconscious is going to start getting programmed to understand that this is really what you want. This is what you want because right now your subconscious believes that what you want is what you have right now. Your subconscious believes that what you want is what you have because that’s where you are.

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Day 9 of 30 – Mid-Year Resolutions

Day 9 of 30 – Mid-Year Resolutions

how often are you reviewing your goals? Have you recently set some new personal goals? If you haven’t now is the time. Right now is the time to set some new personal goals because you’re worth it and it’s time because how do you want 2020 to look? We are not going to be able to read a chapter of our life that we didn’t write first, so we need to write the next chapter of our life right now, if that makes sense. So we start writing our next chapter now so we can read our next chapter in the next chapter chapter

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Day 8 of 30 – Childhood Programming & What Is Anger?

Day 8 of 30 – Childhood Programming & What Is Anger?

why do I mention this in regards to anger is because sometimes when you’re a kid, there are angry adults around you. And if you’re a kid and there’s some angry adults around you, you might pick up this installation of anger. Now I heard something really interesting from Tony Robbins. Anger is covering up hurt and hurt is covering up a sense of loss. So ultimately anger stems from a sense of loss. Maybe you agree with Tony robins on that or not, but it’s a very interesting concept. Underneath anger is hurt. So when we get angry, we got hurt. So we popped. We didn’t know how to react. We were hurt. But underneath that hurt is a sense of loss because the reason we’re getting angry is because we fear we might lose something.

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Day 7 of 30 – Dads Are Awesome!

Day 7 of 30 – Dads Are Awesome!

what goals have you set that you have achieved and what goals have you set that you have not achieved yet, and are there any goals that you’ve been trying to achieve for the last 10 years and now you’re just exhausted and defeated, burnt out, tired, wondering why you didn’t get your goal because you’re, you’ve really, really wanted it. You know, there was a lot of people around you that were, were getting theirs, but why didn’t you get yours? Isn’t it your time will, it is your time. But I got to say, getting your goals requires that your goals are pointing in the right direction.

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Day 5 of 30 – Be Your Own GOOD Boss PLUS Why I Quit Drinking

Day 5 of 30 – Be Your Own GOOD Boss PLUS Why I Quit Drinking

I never did anything malicious, but I totally ridiculously stupid things. And I got urged a lot of times to do stupid things, but people telling me, Oh, you can’t do that or you won’t do that. And then I would be like, we’re really, oh yeah, boom. And I go do it. So alcohol brings out whatever it brings out in you. But now as I’m a little bit older and I, I get a little smarter, I’m understanding that alcohol is a straight up poison, no matter if it’s a social thing or not, it’s a straight up poison. Even my mom asked me, she’s like, what about wine? And I like when I make wine, like I, I do like alcohol, but the, here’s the thing I’m finding and I’ll definitely still have a beer now and then. So here’s what I want to say is maybe just say a 30 day challenge.
18:31​You know, don’t quit it for good. Quit it for now. Just give yourself a 30 day challenge.

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Day 4 of 30 – Cold Turkey, Start or Stop

Day 4 of 30 – Cold Turkey, Start or Stop

Are there any things you want to start doing right now? Put those down below in the comments. I want to know what is on your heart, what’s on your mind? What is your 30 day challenge that you’re going to be doing this month? It doesn’t have to be sunrise hikes like me, but I want you to do something for yourself. Maybe it’s just giving yourself one hour per day structured for you to focus on your dreams, to focus on the things that you want to do. If you can give yourself at least one hour per day, that adds up to six and a half, 40 hour work weeks over the course of a year, you’re worth it.

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Day 3 of 30 – Choose Your Challenge

Day 3 of 30 – Choose Your Challenge

So I know your pain I feel your pain. I have my own company and I try to get new customers but I haven’t actually been trying to get new customers for a really really long time. So here’s what I would ask you if you if you’re asking yourself if you want to throw in the towel or not.
07:59​Here’s the question are you doing it because this is what you want to do. Did you start this business.
08:06​Because it’s something that you wanted or did you allow someone to salt your mind a little bit. And I don’t know if you guys know what this is assaulting the mind there’s a movie out there.

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